The German Franchise Association e.V. is the umbrella organization for the German franchise economy. For nearly 40 years, this community of quality has represented both franchisors and franchisees.
One of the main tasks of the association is to represent the interests of the franchise economy on an economic, political and social level. For this purpose, close contact is maintained with economic and political multipliers, such as the relevant Federal Ministries – in particularly the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) – as well as with the German Bundestag, the Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Federal Labour Office and other institutions and associations with whom the German Franchise Association is connected in a large community network.
On an international level, the German Franchise Association benefits from intensive shared experience with the European Franchise Federation (EFF) and the World Franchise Council (WFC), which influence the guidelines and regulations of the EU Commission in Brussels.
Another important objective of the Franchise Association is to promote awareness and the image of franchising in Germany in a sustainable and positive way, as well as securing financing opportunities for franchisees and franchisors.
One key foundation for the association’s work is the code of ethics of the German Franchise Association. This was created on the basis of the Code of Conduct for the European Franchise Federation (EFF) as coordinated with the EU Commission, and provides a definitive interpretation of the concept of a professional franchise. This code also outlines the rights and obligations of franchisors and franchisees, and facilitates the uniform public appearance that characterizes serious franchising. Franchisors who want to become members of the association are subject to strict admission criteria and must prove that they act and behave according to the code of ethics.
One decisive factor in becoming a full member of the association is the system check. Franchise companies trying to achieve full membership must successfully pass the system check of the German Franchise Association. With this system check, the association is offering a unique selling point in the field of self-regulation for professional franchises. The quality seal carries significant influence with relevant multipliers, financial institutions and franchisors. The International Centre for Franchising and Cooperation (F&C) in Münster is responsible for economic control and independent monitoring. Continual reviews at 3-year intervals ensure the sustainable quality of the seal.
German Market